Cases of semi finished products of shampoo and conditioner imported by Imton

time:2022-10-17 15:45

Customer name: Dalian XX Daily Necessities Co., Ltd

Goods information: shampoo, conditioner, semi-finished shampoo

Service content: Singapore Dalian maritime transport, customs clearance at port, domestic logistics distribution

Documents required for import: approval document of the Food and Drug Administration for imported cosmetics, translation of labels

Technical point: For the inspection of semi-finished products, the customs officers at the site think that the semi-finished products need to apply for the approval of the FDA for the import of cosmetics, and can only be released after seeing the relevant approval of our company. However, according to the policy of the FDA, this department does not accept the application for the approval of semi-finished cosmetics.

What is more urgent is that the customer's store has run out of stock, and its downstream dealers are facing serious shortage of goods. Our operators and customs officers carefully studied the relevant laws and regulations, and communicated with the quarantine officers for many times. Finally, a compromise was reached with the customs officers at the scene: we agreed that our company would take part of the goods and deliver them to the sub packaging factory for sub packaging. After we completed the approval of domestic cosmetics, we issued the release order. At the same time, our company was also allowed to unpack the goods into the warehouse during the approval process, so as to avoid the cost of container delay. After two weeks, the domestic cosmetics approval was successfully completed, and our company successfully entered the warehouse and proposed to deliver all goods to customers safely.
